Robert Gniewek, Redford, 1998, oil on linen, courtesy of Louis K. Meisel Gallery

American Art at the Brink of the Twenty-First Century
Meridian International Center presents this exhibition not as a defining comment on contemporary American art, but as a cross section of the state of the visual arts in the United States as the millennium dawns.  Our intention is to bring to our friends in Southeast Asia and China a sense of what American artists are saying and doing today, and to reflect through these beautiful works the vastness and variety that is the United States. In the past, our international arts program has primarily dealt with the organization of exhibitions from abroad for circulation across the United States.  Outward Bound provides the opportunity to travel the other way.

Meridian is pleased to have undertaken this project in partnership with Mobil, without whose generous support Outward Bound could not have become a reality.  We wish to thank all of the lenders to the exhibition and the participating artists who have been so eager and willing to share their work with those in faraway lands.  As the exhibition travels to Vietnam, China, Singapore, and Indonesia, it is our hope that people in those countries will better understand and appreciate the spirit of America.  By building this new bridge between different cultures, we seek to contribute to the larger goal of greater global harmony in the twenty-first century.

Traveling Schedule

Robert Rauchenberg, LA Uncovered, #10, 1998,
16 color screenprint, courtesy of Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles 
Meridian International Center, 
Washington, D.C. 
May 20 - July 11, 1999 

The Museum of Fine Arts
Hanoi, Vietnam  
August 25 - September 23, 1999 

The Painting Institute
Shanghai, China 
October 23 - November 20, 1999 

The Working People’s Cultural Palace
Beijing, China 
December 8 - December 28, 1999 

The CIPTA Gallery, Jakarta Arts Center
Jakarta, Indonesia 
February, 2000 

The Metropolitan Museum
Manila, Philippines
April, 2000 

The Singapore Art Museum
July - September, 2000 

Exhibition Preview
Meridian’s Traveling Exhibition Home Page
The Arts at Meridian
Meridian International Center

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